Metrology Solutions for Medical Technology
Your orthopedic implants have complex geometries with steep flanks and high-gloss surfaces? Surface damage must be avoided at all costs? This is exactly where optical 3D measurement technology comes in as a quality assurance tool. The focus is on roughness and wear measurement. Furthermore, with optical technologies you benefit from wear-free, automatable measurements as well as traceable and repeatable results. In addition to roughness measurements, the verification of GD&T parameters is becoming increasingly important.
Benefit from Bruker Alicona optical 3D measuring solutions for your quality control and measure dimensional accuracy and surface finish with a single system. Learn how to avoid surface damage of sensitive medical components by using non-contact measuring systems.
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Our applications for medical technology & pharmaceutics
Here you can see for which applications Bruker Alicona optical 3D metrology is used.
The following measurements can be performed for the analysis of the relevant components: e.g.
- High resolution measurement of dental implants' roughness, including those on thread roots, knee, hip or spinal disc implants
- Complete measurement of surgical drills, milling cutters, etc.
- Measurement of pills and capsules - Simple and visible verification against imitations, determination of slip properties through area-based measurement of surface characteristics
- Quality assurance of orthodontic brackets, packaging products and materials, blister machines and compontens e.g. sealing tools, heating plates and sealing rollers
- Verification of surface finish and quality of surgical instruments and instrument tables
The range of applications is growing. If you have a measuring task, please contact us.
Together we will find a solution that meets your requirements.


Your application is not included?
We will find a solution for your measurement task. Get in touch with us!
Discover more about optical 3D metrology & measurement in medical technology
Our product highlights for the medical industry
Interview: Form & roughness measurement in use at the University Clinic for Dental Medicine Graz
In this interview with Dr. Martin Koller from the University Clinic for Dentistry & Oral Health in Graz, you will learn, among other things, how the InfiniteFocus optical 3D measurement system is used to measure the shape and surface roughness of implants so that they can heal perfectly in the body.
Success story: Automation boost in quality assurance
Zfx, a long-standing user of Bruker Alicona measurement technology, is facing a challenge that affects all manufacturers of human medical components and implants equally: the Medical Device Regulation (MDR). Learn why optical 3D measuring devices from Bruker Alicona are ideally equipped to meet the increased quality requirements in MedTech.