Alicona Imaging GmbH
Less wear, longer durability - optical measurement of implantsWhitepaper

How to measure roughness and wear of orthopedic and traumatological implants

Orthopedic implants are among the most important medical innovations of our time. They improve the quality of life for people of all ages. Maximum precision is the top priority in the production of all types of orthopedic and traumatological implants. Modern implants usually have complex geometries with steep flanks and sometimes high-gloss surfaces. This increasingly presents manufacturers of medical components with challenges in production and in the necessary quality assurance. In addition to roughness measurement, the measurement of GD&T features is playing an increasingly important role. This is exactly where optical 3D metrology comes in as a quality assurance tool.

Read in this whitepaper how to meet new metrological requirements with the use of high-resolution optical 3D metrology.

Learn more about...

  • Wear measurement on a hip implant
  • 3D metrology in medical materials research
  • High-gloss knee implant: measurement with an optical CMM
  • Bone screw measurement
  • Measurement of dental implants
  • Excursus: Additive manufacturing in medical technology



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