Alicona Imaging GmbH
EdgeMasterHOBOptical cutting edge measuring device for hobs

Tool measurement system to verify hobs

The EdgeMasterHOB is one of Alicona´s optical tool measurement systems and a market-specific adaption of the optical cutting edge measurement system EdgeMaster. Like all Alicona tool measurement systems, the EdgeMasterHOB is used for automated quality assurance. The hob measuring device is particularly applied in e.g. regrinding centers. A working distance of 33 mm allows effortless measurement of cutting edges even in areas that are hard to access. 

Users measure, amongst other features:

  • chipping and edge defects
  • chamfer and edge roundness at the tooth flank, tooth root and tooth tip
Cutting Edge Measurement for Hobs

Technical specifications

Measurement principlenon-contact, optical, three-dimensional, based at Focus-Variation
Positioning volumeZ: 25 mm (mot.), 92 mm (man.)
Lifting table: 120 mm (man.)
Rotation table: +/- 30° (man.)
Objective magnification4xAX10xAX20xAX
Working distancemm3033.520
Lateral measurement range (X,Y) mm52 1
(X x Y)mm²2541
Vertical resolutionnm43013070
Min. measurable radiusµm1253

More measuring systems of the EdgeMaster series


High-resolution, fully automatic measurement of tool cutting edges on the shop floor

With the EdgeMaster users measure radii >2μm as well as rake, wedge and clearance angle of tools. Different types, including both waterfall and trumpet, are precisely measured. Traceable and repeatable results are delivered in high vertical resolution even at vibrations, variations in temperature and ambient light. In addition to chipping measurement, the high vertical resolution also enables traceable roughness measurement on the rake face.

Tool measurement on the shop floor


Verify multiple edges in one measurement run

The EdgeMasterX is part of the Bruker Alicona product range for optical, high-resolution tool measurement in production and an extension of the EdgeMaster. The EdgeMasterX allows users to verify multiple edges in just one measurement run.

Optical measuring device to verify multiple edges

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